Forum Discussion

  • Are you asking how can you tell if someone is logged in to the console? I would run something like last and see if there are any ttyS0 logins (like the first line, especially if the last part says "still logged in").

    [root@bigip1:online:In Sync] config  last
    root    ttyS0                       Sat Nov 15 12:47 - 21:48 (31+12:37)
    root    pts/1         Fri Nov 14 18:52 - 22:16 (03:23)
    root    pts/0   c-57-161-249-108    Fri Nov 14 05:45 - 03:09 (1+21:23)
    root    pts/1   c-57-161-249-108    Tue Nov 11 19:53 - 05:03 (09:09)
    root    pts/1         Wed Nov 5 07:35 - 11:14 (03:39)
    root    pts/0   c-57-161-249-108    Wed Nov 5 06:20 - 21:10 (6+14:49)
    root    pts/0         Tue Nov 4 13:32 - 14:02 (00:30)
    • baek1986's avatar
      Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
      I would like to verify whether a physical console cable is connected or not. It is by no mean access records.
  • If the BIG-IP is connected to a console server I would run a script that would connect to the BIG-IP port on the console server, send some carriage returns and see if there is any output.


    If you are trying to figure out if someone is intermittently connecting a console connection to tamper with the F5 I don't know of any way to do this. Ultimately something like that would probably be easier to validate whether the person attempts to login to the BIG-IP


  • DEJ's avatar
    Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus

    Hello B,


    The below will show you the status of the interfaces as well as statistical data. Was this what you were looking for?


    Via GUI: Statistics >> Module Statistics : Network : Interfaces


    Via CLI: tmsh show net interface