Forum Discussion

  • So a few more details of what you're trying to do would help, but you can start here and see where you get to. This is some code that modifies a jsession cookie and persists on it. If you can give some more info, might be able to get a bit closer to what you're trying to do.


    when HTTP_REQUEST {
     Check if cookie has a value
    if {[HTTP::cookie "JSESSIONID"] ne ""}{
         Parse the three ! delineated fields from the cookie
        if {[scan [HTTP::cookie JSESSIONID] {%[^:]:%[^:]:%[^:]} session holder pri_server_hash] == 3}{
            HTTP::cookie value "JSESSIONID" "$session:$holder"
             Persist off of the primary server token if it is present, not a null value and has a current persistence record
            if {$pri_server_hash ne ""}{
                persist uie $pri_server_hash
    when HTTP_RESPONSE {
     Check if cookie has a value
    if {[HTTP::cookie "JSESSIONID"] ne ""}{
         Parse the second field of the cookie value.
          The current server always sets its hash as the primary server hash in the second field of the cookie.
        set jsession [HTTP::cookie "JSESSIONID"]
        append jsession ":[IP::remote_addr]"
        HTTP::cookie value "JSESSIONID" $jsession
        persist add uie [IP::remote_addr]
  • I may be interpreting your requirement a little differently, but if you're asking to change a (set)cookie value based on some matching content in the response, here's an option:

    when HTTP_RESPONSE {
        if { [HTTP::header Content-Type] contains "text" } {
            HTTP::collect [HTTP::header Content-Length]
        if { [HTTP::payload] contains "diam" } {
            if { [HTTP::cookie exists JSESSIONID] } {
                HTTP::cookie value JSESSIONID "foobar"

    This can get tricky based on where you might find this data and how large the response payload is. Collecting all of the response payload can cause a performance hit.