Forum Discussion

Steve_Do_138091's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Nov 28, 2013

How to assign the IP address to the BigIP system Interface ?

Hi everyone,


I am working on the BigIP 3900 series and wonder how to assign the ip address to particular interface ?


Thanks, Steve.


  • Steve,


    With F5 devices, other than the MGMT interface, you don't assign ip addresses to a specific interface. Instead, IP addresses are associated with VLANs, where VLANs are groupings of interfaces.


    Here's the relevant manual section for v11.2.


    Hope that helps.


  • Steve, to find which ip address assigned to the interface you must find:

    1. Vlan assigned to that interface in you case 1.7 -> go to Network / Vlans.
    2. Go to Self IPs and find which ip address assigned to the Vlan.

    To assign ip address to the interface:

    1. Go to Network / Vlan and create a new one and assign to the interface for example 1.7.
    2. Go to Network /Self IPs and create ip address and assign it to the new vlan.