Forum Discussion

F5_guy_380365's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Jan 02, 2019

How one can see relation between virtual server and lease pool in the cli configuration while configuring APM for the ssl vpn ?

I am trying to see, how I can develop/see a relation between virtual server and lease pool in the APM config file while using it for the ssl vpn.   Thank you in advance, J  
  • AMiles_377865's avatar
    Jan 02, 2019

    Hello Sanjay,

    It is generally best to make configuration changes in the GUI instead of the CLI when it comes to APM. In my experience running APM configuration straight from the CLI usually results in one mistake or another, as settings are forgotten or misconfigured.

    That being said, it is pretty simple to view your APM configuration using 'list.' Here are some basic commands to figure out how your leasepools, VPNs, and servers are related, and to prove how they have been configured. Run:

    tmsh list apm resource leasepool

    to view information about all your leasepools, and

    tmsh list apm resource network-access

    to view configuration information about your VPNs.

    This should give you some very basic information about their configuration, all of which can also be viewed from the GUI. Since leasepools and VPNs are assigned to an Access Policy/Profile, which is then attached to a virtual server, viewing the server and your policy individually would likely be the best way to show a relationship between the two.

    To view information about your virtual server, use

    tmsh list ltm virtual 

    In the output for that command, there will be a profiles section. You will see your Access Profile listed there. And to view your specific Access Policy and Access Profile, use:

    tmsh list apm policy access-policy 


    tmsh list apm profile access 

    With all of these together, you can prove that your VPN and lease pool have been assigned to your Access Profile, and that your Access Profile has been assigned to your virtual server.

    I hope this helps you figure out the relationship between your VPN and your Virtual Server. Feel free to ask if you have any follow-up questions,
