Forum Discussion

  • Hi,


    you can use curl from F5 command line:


    curl -i


    • if the code is 301 or 302, it is a redirect: follow the Location link
    • If the code returned is 401, the method can be Basic, NTLM or Kerberos, you must look at the WWW-Authenticate header
      • Basic --> basic
      • NTLM --> NTLM
      • négociante --> Kerberos
    • If the authentication page is a form, the method can be forms or forms-client-initiated.
  • hi stan,


    where do i check the information.


    i have run the command and got the below output.


  • Please do not post customer information in this forum.. the method is Forms


    to find Forms parameters to configure, I use Firefox firebug, try to authenticate with aaa login and bbb password, and search in the POST data informations.


    in you page,


    • Start URI is /newEmsg/Pages/Login.aspx
    • Form action is /newEmsg/Pages/Login.aspx
    • Form parameter for Username is ctl00%24cphBody%24Login1%24txtLoginName
    • Form parameter for Password is ctl00%24cphBody%24Login1%24txtPassword

    All other POST data must be added to Hidden form parameters with:


    One parameter per line, followed by the value (separator is space)


    to get them, you must split POST data with separator & and replace = by space.


    Some applications add dynamic parameters values to block CSRF attacks. this protection will disallow SSO.


  • Dear stan,


    i an geeting the below logs after enabling debug for sso,


    2015-10-06 14:30:58 checking start uri match, start uri: '/newEmsg/Pages/Login.aspx', request: '/newEmsg/Pages/Login.aspx' 2015-10-06 14:30:58 Websso form-based authentication for user 'abc' using config '/Common/E-messaging_Form-SSo' 2015-10-06 14:31:03 metadata len 1130 2015-10-06 14:31:03 checking start uri match, start uri: '/newEmsg/Pages/Login.aspx', request: '/newEmsg/Pages/Login.aspx' 2015-10-06 14:31:03 Websso form-based authentication for user 'abc' using config '/Common/E-messaging_Form-SSo' 2015-10-06 14:31:03 metadata len 329.


    And on the browser i am getting an error "This webpage has a redirect loop"


    Thanks for your support.


  • Dear Stan,


    I have noticed one thing in the parameter that one of the parameter value keeps on changing. Would be the reason for SSO not working?


    _VIEWSTATE (Keeps changing)