Forum Discussion

Kai_Reese_32291's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
May 30, 2018

How can I store a string of the session.server.landinguri to pass as a variable?

I would like to pass a variable that is part of the session.server.landinguri variable and am having trouble manipulating the URI.




I need to pass just the VariableID value as a new variable (session.user.VariableID), however I haven't figured out how to strip this from the landinguri. The farthest I've gotten was just simply pass "session.server.landinguri" for the "session.user.VariableID" variable, which is a good start.


Thanks in advance for any help with this!


  • Assign this irule to virtual server

        ACCESS::session data set [URI::query [ACCESS::session data get session.server.landinguri] variableID]