Forum Discussion

genetorres_1698's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Apr 22, 2016

Horizon View 7 iApp support

Hello - since Horizon View 7 has been released, I was wondering if anyone has tested or worked on the View iApp to support version 7?


  • It works just fine. F5 PD and QA are working on formally qualifying and declaring support for Horizon 7, but preliminary checks indicated that everything works just fine. Additionally, upcoming version of BIG-IP 12.1 should support new Blast Extreme protocol, USB Redirection, Smartcard Logon, and TrueSSO.


  • It works just fine. F5 PD and QA are working on formally qualifying and declaring support for Horizon 7, but preliminary checks indicated that everything works just fine. Additionally, upcoming version of BIG-IP 12.1 should support new Blast Extreme protocol, USB Redirection, Smartcard Logon, and TrueSSO.


    • genetorres_1698's avatar
      Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
      Thanks for the response Michael! One more question - what about View 7 support running BIG-IP 11.6? (forgot to include version in the first post)
  • It works just fine. F5 PD and QA are working on formally qualifying and declaring support for Horizon 7, but preliminary checks indicated that everything works just fine. Additionally, upcoming version of BIG-IP 12.1 should support new Blast Extreme protocol, USB Redirection, Smartcard Logon, and TrueSSO.


    • genetorres_1698's avatar
      Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
      Thanks for the response Michael! One more question - what about View 7 support running BIG-IP 11.6? (forgot to include version in the first post)