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benniehanas_239's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Mar 14, 2018

Help with iRule logging to local0.

I am trying to log an iRule, but it keeps erroring out. Can you help with what I'm missing?


when HTTP_REQUEST { if { [HTTP::path] starts_with "/media" } { pool persist cookie insert log local0. ”media.com_28080 TCP_logging fired, from [IP::client_addr]" } }


  • The issue may be the character . this is not the accepted double-quote inside irules. replace it with "


  • somehow, pool and persist cookie insert shown as enlarge words.. i actually added a character in front of the line to comment them out for testing.


  • so tried the irule in the lab.. here is working irule per my test.. it was not the underscore. it was some extra or missing curly bracket...


    when HTTP_REQUEST { if { [HTTP::path] starts_with "/media" } {


    pool persist cookie insert

    log local0. "mediacom_28080 TCP_logging fired, from [IP::client_addr]" } }


    resulting log


    Mar 14 09:37:22 f5 info tmm1[21757]: Rule /Common/slashmedia : mediacom_28080 TCP_logging fired, from xx.xx.xx.xx


  • try to remove the underscores character from your media.com_28080 and TCP_logging fired section of the log. they look to be being interpreted differently by the irule. they look like actual functions similar to IP::local_addr


    try this for the log statement:


    log local0. ” TCP.logging fired, from [IP::client_addr]"


  • I took the pool name out as it was a FQDN. My error is:


    01070151:3: Rule [/Common/media_pool_redirect] error: /Common/media_pool_redirect:5: error: ["invalid argument local0"][log local0 ”] /Common/media_pool_redirect:5: error: [undefined procedure: media.com_28080][media.com_28080 TCP_logging fired, from [IP::client_addr] to vip [IP::local_addr]"]


  • Try this to start with. I've removed your cookie persist section as this didn't match the required syntax. See for details. You don't need to configure persistence with an iRule, add a cookie persistence profile to the virtual server

    when HTTP_REQUEST { 
        if { [HTTP::path] starts_with "/media" } { 
            log local0. "media.com_28080 TCP_logging fired, from [IP::client_addr]" 
  • what is the error that you get? I noticed you are sending to a pool if it matches the uri but in your pool statement there is no pool defined.


    when HTTP_REQUEST { if { [HTTP::path] starts_with "/media" } { pool persist cookie insert log local0. ”media.com_28080 TCP_logging fired, from [IP::client_addr]" } }