Forum Discussion

Elias_O_16228's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Dec 28, 2012

Health Monitoring weblogic application servers

I have spent sometime searching for similar scenario but no luck.


We are running java application server on Weblogic without load balancing until now.




To access the applications, must type: or


We decided to load balance the applications with LTM. The issue is that LTM marks it down and does not see the servers. I believe because of the text after the port number.



Attached is sample environment schema








  • Elias. Apologies if I wasn't clear but I meant use a http monitor with the custom strings, not the default one. Also note you do not need to specify the port in the request URI, just GET /app1 because the monitor will use the correct port based on the pool member port.

    If you telnet from your device to the IP on port 9699 and enter this do you get the required response?

    telnet 9699{ENTER}
    GET /app1 HTTP/1.1{ENTER}
    Host: whatever{ENTER}
  • Bigip telnet [Enter]

  Temporary failure in name resolution




  • Please enter the telnet command exactly as I specified it, with a space between the last .10 and the 9699, not a colon.