Forum Discussion

Blanket_140040's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
May 01, 2014

HA Status Offline

Hey all, I have a strange issue with HA between two LTM's devices. Both are running 11.5.1 HF1. Each device thinks the other one is offline, but I can sync the configs between them. The HA is setup over the network and we have our interfaces trunked. Each SelfIP is set to allow default on the port lockdown. Device trust is good, both units see each other. The switch config has been verified and seems in working order. iHealth files do not show any errors and seems that everything is in order. Rebooting hasn't has any change on how the LTM's are behaving.


I do have a support case open, but haven't made any headway yet. Has anybody encountered this issue?


Many Thanks!