Forum Discussion

Kmussa_164917's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Dec 20, 2015

GTM Private to Public Translation

I have a GTM in DMZ using private IP addresses for wide IP. I need to translate the 1st three octets of the wide IPs to public addresses. I believe I have to use an irule to accomplish this. I tried using the following with no success: when LB_SELECTED { if { [LB::server addr] contains ".10." } { log local0. "Pool member [LB::server addr]"} } This irule is assigned to a wide IP. I’m able to log the private address. I just can’t find a command to use to change the 1st 3 octets.


  • Hi Kmussa,

    you may parse the remaining octed (incl. possible route domains) and then substitute the new leading octets with this command.

    set new_ip "123.123.123.[getfield [LB::server addr] "." 4]"

    Cheers, Kai

  • Hi Kai,


    Below is the irule: when LB_SELECTED { if { [LB::server addr] contains ".10." } { log local0. "Pool member [LB::server addr]" set new_ip "1.1.1.[getfield [LB::server addr] split "." 4]"} elseif { [LB::server addr] contains ".20." } { log local0. "Pool member [LB::server addr]" set new_ip "2.2.2.[getfield [LB::server addr] split "." 4]"} }


    • Kai_Wilke's avatar
      Icon for MVP rankMVP
      The command I've posted is just a way to parse the last octed of your existing IP and then transform this IP into a new one. It does not changes anything on the wire yet. But you could use this command in combination with other commands (depending on what you're trying to solve). To help you further, I'd need some more details of the configuration you're trying to achive? Cheers, Kai
  • GTM is currently resolving all DNS queries to private addresses. I need to change DNS response to public addresses. For example: can be resolved to or I need to write an irule to do the following: 1. if resolves to then DNS response should be 2. if resolves to then DNS response should be


    Thank you


  • Hi Kmussa,

    customized Hamish Marson's "GTM traslation" iRule for you needs...

    Original iRule can be found here:

    when DNS_RESPONSE {
        foreach rr [DNS::answer] { 
            if { ([DNS::type $rr] eq "A") } then {
                if { [IP::addr [DNS::rdata $rr] equals]) } then {
                    log -noname local0.debug "DNS Rewrite: [DNS::rdata $rr] > 1.1.1.[getfield [DNS::rdata $rr] "." 4]"
                    DNS::rdata $rr "1.1.1.[getfield [DNS::rdata $rr] "." 4]"
                } elseif { [IP::addr [DNS::rdata $rr] equals]) } then {
                    log -noname local0.debug "DNS Rewrite: [DNS::rdata $rr] > 2.2.2.[getfield [DNS::rdata $rr] "." 4]"
                    DNS::rdata $rr "2.2.2.[getfield [DNS::rdata $rr] "." 4]"

    Note: I don't have a GTM to my hands, hope it will work out... 🙂

    Cheers, Kai

  • Hi,


    to translate address on GTM, one solution is to disable virtual server automatic creation and to create them manually in GTM with:


    • IP address : IPs for DNS responses
    • Translated address: IP of LTM virtual server (used for monitoring)