Forum Discussion

a_basharat_2591's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
May 18, 2017

GTM pool member not a virtual server



Can the GTM resolves into IP addresses that are NOT Virtual Servers on the LTM, but an LTM front-end origin NAT IP Address.


The pool members on the GTMs are by default VSs, can we add as a pool member an IP address that is not a Virtual Server: as an IP address, through a specific port and an specific health monitor?


What is the best way of achieve the above.




10 Replies

  • Hi,


    Not completlely sure what you mean, but did you try to create a server and select Generic Host as the product?


    Regards, Martijn


    • Martijn_144688's avatar
      Icon for Cirrostratus rankCirrostratus

      On the GTM.


      On a version 12.x GTM go to:


      DNS -> GSLB -> Servers -> Server List -> Create


      There you can create a new server and select Generic Host as the product instead of a BIG-IP System.


    • a_basharat's avatar
      Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus

      Thanks Martijn,


      I have created a Server, as Generic Host with the IP Address of the NAT on the LTM -> Do I need to add anything on its 'virtual server' section or leave it as it is [the Status is showing blue, not green or red] and I am using tcp as health monitor.


      another thing on the GTM, For a given URL [Wide IP], the pool's members are Virtual Server, that's where I need to resolve to the NAT address [instead of a VS] -> How to do this?


  • Hi,


    Not completlely sure what you mean, but did you try to create a server and select Generic Host as the product?


    Regards, Martijn


    • MvdG's avatar
      Icon for Cirrus rankCirrus

      On the GTM.


      On a version 12.x GTM go to:


      DNS -> GSLB -> Servers -> Server List -> Create


      There you can create a new server and select Generic Host as the product instead of a BIG-IP System.


    • a_basharat's avatar
      Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus

      Thanks Martijn,


      I have created a Server, as Generic Host with the IP Address of the NAT on the LTM -> Do I need to add anything on its 'virtual server' section or leave it as it is [the Status is showing blue, not green or red] and I am using tcp as health monitor.


      another thing on the GTM, For a given URL [Wide IP], the pool's members are Virtual Server, that's where I need to resolve to the NAT address [instead of a VS] -> How to do this?


  • Jana's avatar
    Icon for Altostratus rankAltostratus

    Had a similar requirement to load balance (or resolve to) NAT addresses which are mapped to internal servers one-to-one. The NAT ip addresses were added as Generic Hosts with virtual-servers created on them and referenced under the pool. Each virtual server was configured with an individual monitor with the destination set to the internal ip address of the respective NAT address.


  • Hi,


    The answer to your question is yes. It can be done.


    On the Main tab, click DNS > GSLB > Servers


    The Server List screen opens. Click Create.


    The New Server screen opens. In the Name field, type a name for the server.


    From the Product list, select a third-party host server or select Generic Host (This object configuration can be use your NAT address on your LTM as a generic server (host)).


    After you create your monitor and Server (Generic Host) you are ready to associate whatever service that you need in the virtual server configuration of this new generic host.


    Take note that the name "Virtual Server" inside the Generic Host configuration it doesn't mean that you are going to configure a "LTM Virtual Server". Both are totally different.


    Check this link with a implementation example including SNMP monitoring of your server behind your NAT.


    Manual Chapter: Monitoring Third-Party Servers with SNMP