Forum Discussion

Chris_FP's avatar
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Oct 24, 2014

GTM not discovering VS on newly created server

We have 2 DC's (A and B) - 1 x GTM and LTM in each. No layer 2 between DC's


currently we have a number of vlans that are stretched to both LTM and GTM and self-ip's configured on both from the same subnet. In addition there are already a number of servers configured on the GTM with many auto-discovered VS attached so communication between LTM and GTM in each DC is working.


A new vlan was added to DC A LTM and GTM and 3 VS were created on the LTM, the server was added to the GTM and it picked up the 3 new VS - Happy days.


The same was replicated for DC B, however even though the server goes green it does NOT discover the 3 VS - not happy days.


I've checked the iqdump and there are differences but I am unsure as to why.


in DC A you get information shown between the which has the information you would expect (eg. / removed )</name></vip></p> <p>But on DC B iqdump you do not see the <vip> sections at all.</vip></p> <p>Both the LTM and GTM in DC B have been rebooted.</p> <p>Any other troubleshooting I can carry out or anybody else seen similar and can point me in the direction of what to do to fix. As other server / vs are discovered ok between the GTM/LTM I am a surprised this latest one does not.</p>


  • for some reason when I try to edit the original and hit save, it doesn't save the changes.


    so this section in DC A you get information shown between the which has the information you would expect (eg. / removed )</p> <p>But on DC B iqdump you do not see the sections at all.</p> <p>should be in DC A you get information shown between the which has the information you would expect (eg.(vip) (name)(![ removed)</p> <p>But on DC B iqdump you do not see the (vip) (/vip) sections at all.</p>


  • Have you tried removing the server object and re-initiating the iquery session in DC B? Run iqdump to verify connectivity. Once complete, re-add the server object and check the VS's. Ensure that the GTM server object is added as well.