Forum Discussion

Ireda's avatar
Icon for Cirrostratus rankCirrostratus
Nov 25, 2023

GTM- Zone list (Offline (Enabled) - Failed AXFR)

Dears, I need to enable DNS Express but locally on GTM, I mean GTM will act as DNS. But when I created zone list , it shown offline and did not appare in zonerunner please check attached, version ...
  • Mohamed_Ahmed_Kansoh's avatar
    Nov 26, 2023

    Hi Ireda , 

    well this shouldn't work. 

    you need to go to Zonerunner first then define the NS which you will receive the zones from it. 
    then you can use the DNS Express to transfer that zone internally. 

    I recommend you to add the original Name server which you will recieve the Zones from it directly and don't perform the zone transfer in BIND or Zonerunner. 

    I mean : 
    Add the name server IP of the Original owner of Zones directly not the ( ) , because when you do that >>> you configure bigip to use DNS express for specific Zones exists already on the Bigip BIND DB file and at the same time ( BIND hasn't these Zones ) 

    So you have two solutions : 

    1- Add the Orignal Name server ( owner of Zones ) in the Zone runner while defining specific Zone in BIND , then by using ( ) NS in DNSExpress will be sufficient to enabe the DNSExpress for this zone. 

    2- Add the Originlal NS and attach it in the DNSExpress Zones. 

    Don't forget to create two listeners listen on ( 53 Port - TCP ) and ( 53 port - UDP )

    Then add the listener ip address in " Allow-transfer " field on the Original server that owen the Zones