Forum Discussion

m_137079's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Dec 04, 2013

getting all headers from http request without using a loop

I am using the below irule to get all headers from every http request. Is there any other efficient way to do this for instance without using a loop. Any input is much appreciated

Present Irule


    set HttpHeader " "
    set now [clock format [clock seconds] -format "%D %H:%M:%S %z"]
    set contentlength [HTTP::header "Content-Length"]    

    foreach aHeader [HTTP::header names] {
    append  HttpHeader $aHeader ":" [HTTP::header value $aHeader] "\r\n"        

        HSL::send $applayer_hsl "<190>\r\n$HttpHeader\r\nPath:[URI::path [HTTP::uri]][URI::basename [HTTP::uri]]\r\nQueryStr:[HTTP::query]\r\nHttpKalive:[HTTP::is_keepalive]\r\nHttpVer:[HTTP::version]\r\nF5Addr: [IP::local_addr]\r\nClientIP:[IP::client_addr]\r\nTime:$now\r\nPort:$ClientPort\r\nServer:[LB::server addr]\r\n"


    set applayer_hsl [HSL::open -proto UDP -pool hsl_8080_pool]     
    set ClientPort [TCP::local_port] 
  • Remember HTTP:request only logs the request headers, not the payload (if there is one), and given that the default Max Header Size in an http profile is 32768, you are unlikely to exceed 64K.


  • Take a look at [HTTP::request]. It dumps the whole request. It's by far the easiest way to get everything you might want to log, but the format isn't necessarily what the log trawlers want to see.....


    • m_137079's avatar
      Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
      Nice ! That makes things way simpler. I have a followup question IheartF5. I am using UDP for the HSL and UDP packet size is 64K max. (correct me if I am wrong). So if my http request is more than 64 K I will not get the whole data in one packet and UDP. What can be done in that scenario (I cannot use TCP) Thanks m@ve
  • Remember HTTP:request only logs the request headers, not the payload (if there is one), and given that the default Max Header Size in an http profile is 32768, you are unlikely to exceed 64K.