Forum Discussion

mihai_178850's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Apr 02, 2015

Get route-advertisement state for a VIP

Hi guys,


I'm stumbling a bit on something that seems to be quite easy to find in the docs of iControl but not for iCall... I have a TCL array of VIPs (name or IPs..I can do both) that I selected according to my specific criteria. How can I see if the route-advertisement option is already enabled or not for a VIP?


With iControl it was easy from the API: get_route_advertisement_state(VIP) -> 1 = enabled, 0 = disabled


Does anyone know how I can do this with iCall?


Thanks, Mihai


  • Although it doesn't simply provide a true/false response, you can at least parse fewer lines with:

    (tmos) list ltm virtual-address route-advertisement
    ltm virtual-address {
        route-advertisement enabled
  • Hi Mihai

    you have to get_config with all-properties (otherwise no route-advertisement object) and then iterate

    set vipaddresses [tmsh::get_config /ltm virtual-address all-properties]

    foreach virt $vipaddresses {
                     if { [tmsh::get_name $virt] eq $vaddr } {
                         puts "virtual=$virt"
                         set routeadv [tmsh::get_field_value $virt route-advertisement]
                         puts "route adv status=$routeadv"

    would output

    virtual=ltm virtual-address {
        app-service none
        arp enabled
        auto-delete true
        connection-limit 0
        description none
        enabled yes
        floating enabled
        icmp-echo enabled
        inherited-traffic-group false
        metadata none
        partition Common
        route-advertisement enabled
        server-scope any
        traffic-group traffic-group-1
        unit 1
    route adv status=enabled
  • damn. seems this is the only way. the iControl API is much more structured and can address objects directly without needing to parse whole things. I guess F5 still has to improve on this side. thanks for the answer.


  • I will probably do this query once and store it in a hash array something like: array["ip address"]=1 or 0 (for enabled/disabled). This saves me then the trouble for the other parsing I will do.


    Thanks Alex. As always you're keeping a close eye on my questions:)


  • Although it doesn't simply provide a true/false response, you can at least parse fewer lines with:

    (tmos) list ltm virtual-address route-advertisement
    ltm virtual-address {
        route-advertisement enabled
    • mihai_178850's avatar
      Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
      I used get_config instead as the tmsh::list does not provide the data in the object format that I can then parse / extract easily with the get_field_value command.
  • shaggy's avatar
    Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus

    Although it doesn't simply provide a true/false response, you can at least parse fewer lines with:

    (tmos) list ltm virtual-address route-advertisement
    ltm virtual-address {
        route-advertisement enabled
    • mihai_178850's avatar
      Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
      I used get_config instead as the tmsh::list does not provide the data in the object format that I can then parse / extract easily with the get_field_value command.
  • One last question and a pertinent one for Shaggy :)


    set entity [tmsh::list /ltm virtual-address "My VIP here"] puts $entity set ohaoha [tmsh::get_field_value $entity mask] puts "nothing==$ohaoha" }


    The entity works and if I do puts it shows: ltm virtual-address my-IP { address my-IP mask route-advertisement enabled traffic-group Redundant unit 2 }


    the ohaoha testing part did not work....tested with mask/route-advertisement/etc Anything I might be missing out in the syntax ?


    The error given is: can't eval proc: "script::run" unexpected TCL object type while executing "tmsh::get_field_value $entity mask" (procedure "script::run" line 22) invoked from within


  • One last question and a pertinent one for Shaggy :)


    set entity [tmsh::list /ltm virtual-address "My VIP here"] puts $entity set ohaoha [tmsh::get_field_value $entity mask] puts "nothing==$ohaoha" }


    The entity works and if I do puts it shows: ltm virtual-address my-IP { address my-IP mask route-advertisement enabled traffic-group Redundant unit 2 }


    the ohaoha testing part did not work....tested with mask/route-advertisement/etc Anything I might be missing out in the syntax ?


    The error given is: can't eval proc: "script::run" unexpected TCL object type while executing "tmsh::get_field_value $entity mask" (procedure "script::run" line 22) invoked from within


    • mihai_178850's avatar
      Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
      I can't edit this one and the duplicate that was added by itself for reformatting...somehow it gives an error..please ignore..I will report it so that someone who has more rights removes it (suppose something went wrong on the server side).
  • One last question and a pertinent one for Shaggy 🙂

    set entity [tmsh::list /ltm virtual-address "My VIP here"]
    puts $entity
    set ohaoha [tmsh::get_field_value $entity mask]
    puts "nothing==$ohaoha"

    The entity works and if I do puts it shows:

    ltm virtual-address my-IP {
        address my-IP
        route-advertisement enabled
        traffic-group Redundant
        unit 2

    the ohaoha testing part did not work....tested with mask/route-advertisement/etc

    Anything I might be missing out in the syntax ? The error given is:
    can't eval proc: "script::run"
    unexpected TCL object type
        while executing
    "tmsh::get_field_value $entity mask"
        (procedure "script::run" line 22)
        invoked from within
  • Just tried also with:

    set obs [tmsh::get_config /ltm virtual-address ip-address]

    which should return an object in the format that the scripting engine expects..but ran into the same error (probably I'm not getting the syntax right) when trying to do get_field_value/get_field_name on it.

    If I print just $obs I get:

    ltm virtual-address ip-address {
        address ip-address
        route-advertisement enabled
        traffic-group Redundant
        unit 2

    But so far it seems I am missing an important bit or not seeing it in front of my to access the contents.

  • Found the answer by myself...seems sleep helps a lot:

    foreach member [tmsh::get_config /ltm virtual-address ip-address]
    {   set ola [tmsh::get_field_value $member route-advertisement]
        puts "oha=$member"
        puts $ola

    like this it works so I can get my value.

    Thanks to both Alex and Shaggy.

    I would give the answer checkbox to both if possible as I find both solutions interesting.

    Shaggy's saves a bit of processing time operation wise.