Forum Discussion

asabado's avatar
Icon for Altocumulus rankAltocumulus
Nov 03, 2021

Geolocation redirection for external published DNS

I received a request to set up a redirection in the bigip depending on where the traffic is coming from. Basically when a customer accesses from Spain, it gets redirected to or if the access comes from SE, it goes to or if the Geolocation is unknown it gets redirected to home.


Is this achievable in F5 bigip? the challenge is that the requests would be coming from external access so assuming that anybody in Spain accesses the URL, then it redirects accordingly.


Appreciate any help.


8 Replies

  • You can use something like below


    when HTTP_REQUEST {
    	switch -glob [whereis [IP::client_addr]country] {
                           HTTP::respond 301 Location ""
    		      HTTP::respond 301 Location ""
    		default {
    		       HTTP::respond 301 Location ""

    Please check below for selecting country code in iRule accordingly.


    • asabado's avatar
      Icon for Altocumulus rankAltocumulus
      Thanks SanjayP. Pardon my ignorance but this will be implemented in GTM I assume? Or can it be done at LTM level? Do I need to define the countries anywhere first? Get Outlook for Android<>
      • Sanjay_Palande's avatar
        Icon for Nacreous rankNacreous

        this will be in LTM. You just use countrycode in iRule as mentioned above.


        e.g. ES - Spain, CH - Switzerland

  • I see you were using SE for Sweden. So iRule would be following

    when HTTP_REQUEST {
    	switch -glob [whereis [IP::client_addr]country] {
                            HTTP::respond 301 Location ""
    		       HTTP::respond 301 Location ""
    		default {
    		        HTTP::respond 301 Location ""
    • asabado's avatar
      Icon for Altocumulus rankAltocumulus
      Thanks SanjayP, I did try out the irules but it didn’t seem to work.. ☹
      • Sanjay_Palande's avatar
        Icon for Nacreous rankNacreous

        F5 has inbuilt gelocation database so this should work. I see there was 1 typo in iRule

        (space between [IP::client_addr] country).

        Please correct below and also enable some logging and provide the log output if still not working.

        when HTTP_REQUEST { 
        	switch -glob [whereis [IP::client_addr] country] {
                                log local0. "ES IP match: [IP::client_addr]"
                                HTTP::respond 301 Location ""
                               log local0. "SE IP match: [IP::client_addr]"
        		       HTTP::respond 301 Location ""
        		default {
                                log local0. "no match: [IP::client_addr]"
        		        HTTP::respond 301 Location ""
  • Hi SanjayP, thank you for your response. I have tried to modify it based on above given syntax but still doesn't work.


    I'm getting site can't be reached and unexpectedly closed the connection. below is the actual link i created.


    • Sanjay_Palande's avatar
      Icon for Nacreous rankNacreous

      This isn't issue because of this iRule. Something else is causing the issue. Capture Tcpdump and analyse what is causing the reset.