Forum Discussion

ndaems_145583's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Nov 21, 2018

Forward to virtual and APM


I'm trying to define a Virtual Server as a Load-Balancer between multiple VS

Load-balancing is based on hostname

        if {[HTTP::host] contains "" } {
                log local0. "Site Test 1"
                virtual /Common/
        } elseif {[HTTP::host] contains "" } {
                log local0. "Site Test 2"
                virtual /Common/
        } else {
                log local0. "SiteA"

Everything is working fine except that APM inside vs_test1 & vs_test2 are not applied

I'm able to connect to these VS without authentication

Is there any limitation or is it by-design?

Thank you


  • If you want APM to authenticate users, access profile must be assigned to the child Virtual server.


    Virtual server assignment may disable access profile on the parent virtual server.