Forum Discussion

BaltoStar_12467's avatar
Aug 22, 2013

forums question : not possible to update tags ?

I attempted to edit a question and but my new tag does not appear in the list of tags.


Does anyone have an explanation ?


6 Replies

  • answer: tags can be updated, but there is a max tag limit.


  • Ok except that for every posting there is a set of categorization checkboxes that immediately take up most of the allotted tags ...
  • I figured it out. It's because the tag I was adding was exceeding the max of tags ( which I think you should increase ).
  • I just verified that this works for unprivileged accounts. You need to edit, add a tag, click save, then when it refreshes, the tag will be there. If this is not the case, please provide your OS, browser, and browser version so we can confirm the behavior you are seeing. Also, please provide the tag you are trying to add.