Forum Discussion

keithcla_132302's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Jan 29, 2014

Firepass 7.0



Is it possible to specfiy different proxy setting for http and https on Firepass 7.0 ? there is an option to set-up http and https proxies for public internet access under the proxies tab, although it just really a check box to enable it as there does not appear to be a way to enter an address and port


  • Alexey_384's avatar
    Historic F5 Account

    Enable checkbox and click "Update and Test" button. You will see address and port fields.


  • Fantastic thanks for this, is there way to confirm if the clients browser has the config set to use the proxy specified i.e. pac file ?


  • Alexey_384's avatar
    Historic F5 Account

    As I know, there is no way to confirm, but I'm not familiar with this part of FP.


  • you might be able to do something if you can check the settings of the client computer via some agent, but that would depend strongly on the OS of the client. personally i doubt this is really easy to do.