Forum Discussion

jleach_241920's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Apr 29, 2016

Feature Request: CLI-only changes and pushing to entire enterprise

Hello DevCentral Community,


I'm generally new to BIG-IQ, first of all, so please excuse me if this exists and I haven't found it yet.


I have 8 HA pairs so total 16 BIG-IP virtual instances, and we're evaluating BIG-IQ to manage our environment. Something that would really help us out would be the ability to make changes to the configuration you'd normally have to do via the command line such as ciphers and custom alerts. In addition, the ability to push those changes to all devices I have discovered and managed.


If this feature exists, please enlighten me, but I have not found it at this point.


Thank you.


  • The ability to make those changes on managed devices is not in BIG-IQ at this time. If you provide me the details of the operations you are trying to automate, I'll see that they get considered for future releases of the product. You can add them as comments here, or email me at


  • Kyle_Oliver_519's avatar
    Historic F5 Account

    The ability to make those changes on managed devices is not in BIG-IQ at this time. If you provide me the details of the operations you are trying to automate, I'll see that they get considered for future releases of the product. You can add them as comments here, or email me at