Forum Discussion

BJ_114988's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Apr 08, 2015

Failover troubleshooting

how can i determine when did last failover happened and what caused it in LTM?


  • Havde you tried uploading qkview to


    It's a good place to start looking for active/stanby time plus any other issues.


    You could also grep ltm logs for active/standby.


    zgrep Active /var/log/ltm*


  • Havde you tried uploading qkview to


    It's a good place to start looking for active/stanby time plus any other issues.


    You could also grep ltm logs for active/standby.


    zgrep Active /var/log/ltm*


  • M_2's avatar
    Icon for Altocumulus rankAltocumulus

    You can also check with "show sys failover" command


    • SAM