Forum Discussion

David_Broaddus_'s avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Oct 18, 2016

Failover pool/pool member for maintenance page.

I'm trying to set up a site that has three load balanced servers, and a maintenance page on a fourth server that should only serve when the other three servers are unavailable. I had done some research that suggested this was achievable with an irule, something like this:


when HTTP_REQUEST { if { [active_members main.pool] > 0 } { pool main.pool } else { pool aux.pool } }


However since the servers home the SSL certs for the site and for reasons we cannot install the certs on the LTM directly, I don't have the ability to apply an HTTP profile tot he virtual server. So I've been trying other possible events such as CLIENT_ACCEPTED. However, I'm not having a lot of luck.


I've recently though discovered Priority-based member activation and it looks like it could possible be a solution to my problem.


What I'm wondering is if there's a recommended best practice for what I'm trying to do, or if anyone can possibly offer any alternate approaches?


5 Replies

  • I would use Priority grouping too as it should be the preferred method. The rule of thumb is use any available feature on box over irule as they are native and more effective.


  • What about combining all four servers in the one pool and using priority grouping to activate the "maintenance server" once the three primary servers fail?


    • David_Broaddus_'s avatar
      Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus

      That's what I was thinking about trying. Kind of wondering if that was the "preferred" method?


  • What about combining all four servers in the one pool and using priority grouping to activate the "maintenance server" once the three primary servers fail?


    • David_Broaddus_'s avatar
      Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus

      That's what I was thinking about trying. Kind of wondering if that was the "preferred" method?