Forum Discussion

letakeda's avatar
Icon for Cirrus rankCirrus
Sep 29, 2023

F5Access | MacOS Sonoma

I upgraded my MacOS to Sonoma (the latest version of MacOS) and now F5 Access does not open

When I try to open the application, nothing happens. The icon in the up menu bar does not appear.

Is anyone passing through the same situation? Thanks!


53 Replies

  • A number of issues were reported in this thread. And we thank you for that. F5 Support worked with each one to find out the root cause and created this article to summarize the list of known issues you may encounter. While waiting for a new release, please refer to K000139761: Overview of F5 Access issues on MAC Sonoma for more information. If the issue you are facing is not listed in the article, for

    • VPN users: As every BIG-IP APM access policy is unique and different IT administrators may implement different security requirements for each organization, please contact your IT administrator to report the issue.
    • BIG-IP APM administrators: Use the notes in the article which may resolve the issue you are facing at the first instance. Should you require assistance, please do not hesitate to contact F5 Support.
  • Thank you for your patience as we work towards releasing a new version. There has been a few dates mentioned in this thread, going as far back as March 2024, on the expected release date. If you'd previously received an ETA from F5, we apologize that the date can change due to unexpected issues that necessitate additional development/testing. In the meantime,

    • we are committed to providing regular updates here. You can subscribe to updates on this thread by selecting the bell icon at the top right.
    • If you encounter issues, it could be one the issues already discovered here: 
  • Same there; cannot use F5 Access after upgrade to Sonoma 14.4

    • letakeda's avatar
      Icon for Cirrus rankCirrus

      I opened a ticket with F5 Network and chatted with them via email

      They are working on it and should release a new version around March, 19

      We should wait :(

    • letakeda's avatar
      Icon for Cirrus rankCirrus

      No yet. They closed the ticket and promised a fix on March, 19. I will try to reopen the ticket.

      • LiefZimmerman's avatar
        Icon for Admin rankAdmin

        letakeda - can you share the ticket number with me? either the one that was closed or any new ones you may have opened? That may help me figure out where we stand.


  • I'm going to update the title of this post Sonora > Sonoma to help others find it - especially so as we work towards a technical solution.

    • alex_m's avatar
      Icon for Altostratus rankAltostratus

      Do you have an ETA for a solution for "F5 Access"? Someone further up this thread mentioned that you're already working on a solution and we should get it around March 19th, but your comment looks to me as if you have not yet started working on a solution?

      I am curious if this issue did not show up on Mac OS 14.4 Beta, or your Q/A does not test for upcoming OS releases?

      The other thing that is difficult to understand is, why there's still no Universal Image available, supporting both Intel (which is becoming irrelevant on Mac) and Apple Silicon? (One with a smaller icon in the menubar.

      • I'll loop back over to Support to see where they are / if there are some solid updates.

  • Quick update to reflect for you all that despite the gaps between messages here - there is quite a bit of activity within product, support, and community to get this sorted out.
    I have a high-degree of confidence that proper guidance is forthcoming.

    Thank you all for your persistence, engagement, and constructive feedback on this issue specifically AND (meta for a second) for illustrating for us some opportunities we have for improvement generally.

    It bears repeating that we, in DevCentral and F5 Support, have been working assiduously over the past few quarters to 'robustify' the end-to-end pathways for our F5 community at large. Whether it's deployment support, general guidance, product optimization, peer networking, or initial discovery and exploration - this thread alone serves as a microcosm that will help us all improve - thanks to you.

    More soon.

    • CristianM's avatar
      Icon for Altocumulus rankAltocumulus

      Hello, any news about this issue with F5 access ? Is already passed more than 1 month from when it was reported and is a blocking issue for me and my colleagues. 

  • General update:

    The last plan of action did not resolve the issue (but ya'll know that already).

    The new plan of action is in progress. I expect the owner (@letakeda) of the ticket to get an update sometime relatively soon.
    I am adding myself to the watchlist for the ticket and will do my best to update this thread when I get further information - especially when it is actionable.

    Thanks again for being integral parts of our DevCentral community.


    • CristianM's avatar
      Icon for Altocumulus rankAltocumulus

      Thanks a lot. Please keep me updated. Can you please maybe push this because is a blocker?

  • Latest I heard about on the case is this:
    A review of the logs showed

    "the server is requesting a certificate from the client and F5 Access cannot access the private key"

    Guidance from there is to

    "...ensure that if performing client cert auth, the client certificate is installed and accessible from F5 Access."

    This is, I think, just one customers' logs, which then assumes the common thread of "performing client cert auth".

    If you can confirm that you are NOT performing client cert auth and you still have an issue 'smash that reply button' and let us know. 

    Hope this helps.

    • LiefZimmerman's avatar
      Icon for Admin rankAdmin

      this was on my mind...checking-in to see if
      A) this makes sense?
      and if so
      B) has it unblocked anyone on this thread?

      • CristianM's avatar
        Icon for Altocumulus rankAltocumulus

        Hello, For me the application is not starting and I get this error.

        Translated Report (Full Report Below)

        Process:               F5Access [74136]
        Path:                  /Applications/
        Identifier:            com.f5.access.macos
        Version:               2.0.3 (2023.08011438.345)
        App Item ID:           1243219105
        App External ID:       859046056
        Code Type:             X86-64 (Native)
        Parent Process:        launchd [1]
        User ID:               501

        Date/Time:             2024-04-18 22:07:29.3803 +0200
        OS Version:            macOS 14.4.1 (23E224)
        Report Version:        12
        Bridge OS Version:     8.4 (21P4222)
        Anonymous UUID:        06D6BA0F-5ADB-4F97-5BB3-9ACDE16F705E

        Sleep/Wake UUID:       F3B8C650-A69E-4A9F-9E33-BB4D799F78AD

        Time Awake Since Boot: 350000 seconds
        Time Since Wake:       3266 seconds

        System Integrity Protection: enabled

        Crashed Thread:        0  Dispatch queue:

        Exception Type:        EXC_BAD_INSTRUCTION (SIGILL)
        Exception Codes:       0x0000000000000001, 0x0000000000000000

        Termination Reason:    Namespace SIGNAL, Code 4 Illegal instruction: 4
        Terminating Process:   exc handler [74136]

        I think many of us have the same problem after update to version 14.4 and 14.4.1.  In attachment you find entire log. Let me know if I can help you with something else but please we already wait for to long and this issue is a blocker for many of us.

    • LiefZimmerman's avatar
      Icon for Admin rankAdmin

      Thanks for the bump dramalama 

      I meant to get back to ya'll last week but in my attempts at getting advice on any sort of workaround (beyond the login to a Virtual Machine someone mentioned earlier) I let it fall off.

      I don't have a workaround.
      The last update I heard was that the root-cause is still not fully understood
      if you have access to create a ticket with Support please do.
      In that ticket if you can relate your ticket to and this community post F5Access | MacOS Sonoma | DevCentral then you have the best chance of being tied into the Incident escalation I created.

      In the meantime I'll dig for a substantial update to share with the community.