Forum Discussion

Anony_Moose_356's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Mar 19, 2018

F5 VPN Broken on Ubuntu 18.04 LTS

Heads up, the Ubuntu package for the F5 VPN is broken under the upcoming Ubuntu 18.04 LTS.


The dependencies are clearly wrong since there has been an ABI change between Qt5.5 (as advertised) and Qt5.9 (installed) - The UI doesn't even show up.


Listed dependencies: libqt5core5a (>= 5.5), libqt5network5 (>= 5.5), libqt5widgets5 (>= 5.5), libqt5gui5 (>= 5.5), libqt5dbus5 (>= 5.5), libqt5sql5 (>= 5.5), libqt5webkit5 (>= 5.5), libqt5opengl5 (>= 5.5), libqt5printsupport5 (>= 5.5)


Since the package will likely be used on different debian-compatible architectures, it would be advisable to statically compile the library and remove the dependecy alltogether instead of relying on people having an ABI-compatible version that you compiled with.


A timely update is appreciated, thanks.


  • I've just stumbled upon this issue after a user reported Ubuntu 18.04 (officially released today) wasn't working.

  identifies that QT 5.10.1 has issues and the "workaround" is to "Install Qt version 5.9.0 or lower, and make it the default installation."


    I've not looked on an Ubuntu installation itself but Google suggests Ubuntu 18.04 runs QT 5.9.1 (maybe 5.9.5) so it's a case of nearly but not quite :(


    • miostreams_1604's avatar
      Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus

      Ubuntu 18.04 uses QT 5.9.5, however after running into this problem, I downgraded to QT 5.9.1 using the Ubuntu 17.10 repos and the problem is resolved. Not the best solution, but there is indeed something going on with QT.


    • NickTurner's avatar
      Icon for Altostratus rankAltostratus

      I've just had an update on this issue from F5 support:


      "I discussed this with an escalation engineer who already has a case open with F5 Production development team. As per his case the issue is due to newer distributions of Linux that have QT with hardcoded dependency on OpenSSL. The fix for this bug is that will package Qt with our installation.


      What is more, F5 planned to release client 7.1.1 with these fixes in later part of June."


      This sounds very promising as, if I've understood correctly, it should resolve QT version related issues across multiple distributions of Linux.


  • I've just stumbled upon this issue after a user reported Ubuntu 18.04 (officially released today) wasn't working.

  identifies that QT 5.10.1 has issues and the "workaround" is to "Install Qt version 5.9.0 or lower, and make it the default installation."


    I've not looked on an Ubuntu installation itself but Google suggests Ubuntu 18.04 runs QT 5.9.1 (maybe 5.9.5) so it's a case of nearly but not quite :(


    • miostreams_1604's avatar
      Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus

      Ubuntu 18.04 uses QT 5.9.5, however after running into this problem, I downgraded to QT 5.9.1 using the Ubuntu 17.10 repos and the problem is resolved. Not the best solution, but there is indeed something going on with QT.


    • NickTurner_2185's avatar
      Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus

      I've just had an update on this issue from F5 support:


      "I discussed this with an escalation engineer who already has a case open with F5 Production development team. As per his case the issue is due to newer distributions of Linux that have QT with hardcoded dependency on OpenSSL. The fix for this bug is that will package Qt with our installation.


      What is more, F5 planned to release client 7.1.1 with these fixes in later part of June."


      This sounds very promising as, if I've understood correctly, it should resolve QT version related issues across multiple distributions of Linux.


  • I think this workaround will be problematic for running Plasma 5. Plasma depends on the version of QT shipped with it.