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satish_txt_2254's avatar
Dec 31, 2017

F5 Viprion question

We have 16 LTM which include 1600, 2000 and 4500 but now demand is rising and i need to buy more F5 so i am thinking about Viprion but i have no experience on them so have some question.


  1. If i plan to buy Viprion chassis does that means i should buy two chassis or just single chassis with multiple blade?


  2. Related networking question does all blade should connect to switch as trunk? or just primary slot?


  3. How does SSL TPS license work? is it based on chassis or license per blade?


  4. I am not seeing on internet people talking about viprion or any kind of review or experience does that means it's something people try to stay away? because of complexity?


  • I believe the issue if complete chasis fail, better option go with 10200v with redundant.


    Thx Srini


  • Hi,


    I am not big fan of VIPRION, however it all depends on the requirement, type of implementation and off course budget as well.


    I would highly recommend you to review/consider i10xxx or i11xxx , you would get n number of benefits like it has very high memory which would be very helpful, high throughput etc.


    Regards, Fozail


  • We've used Viprion's to vCMP our hardware F5's into virtuals to run on the Viprion chassis.


    While you can have blade redundancy, we found that having 2 Viprion's and placing one in each data center, then building a guest on each to have in HA.


  • It's all depend on organizations requirement and budget. If you wanted to host two or more environment/client applications i.e Prod & testing, stage, then F5 VIPRION Platform is very much suitable. Its single, powerful Application Delivery Controller (ADC) with modular performance blades you can add or remove without disrupting users or applications. Instead of adding devices and segmenting applications, simply add more power to your existing infrastructure as needs and opportunities arise.


    1. If i plan to buy Viprion chassis does that means i should buy two chassis or just single chassis with multiple blade?

    --> Ideally two chassis for high availability(Active/Active & Standby).


    1. Related networking question does all blade should connect to switch as trunk? or just primary slot?

    --> Options are there but I have connected cable to Primary slots. Its working well in HA.


    1. How does SSL TPS license work? is it based on chassis or license per blade?

    --> As I know, Its is based on chassis license. Please confirm from F5 support Team, if any recent changes has happened.


    1. I am not seeing on internet people talking about viprion or any kind of review or experience does that means it's something people try to stay away? because of complexity?

    --> It's not so complex. So far no issue observed during F5 VIPRIO configuration. Please refer F5 deployment guide or post your query to devcental portal. Expert will guide you, in case any issue


    • satish_txt_2254's avatar
      Icon for Cirrus rankCirrus

      Thanks for your detailed reply.


      I was thinking to get one chassis, i thought we have blade level redendency then why i need to duplicate hardware for HA, Just wonder how risky it would be have single chassis with multiple blade?


      We are looking for 20k to 40k TPS so which hardware would be perfect for us?


  • 1) If i plan to buy Viprion chassis does that means i should buy two chassis or just single chassis with multiple blade?


    normally i see people adding more blades when they need more capacity and use 2nd chassis when they need high availability.


    2) Related networking question does all blade should connect to switch as trunk? or just primary slot?


    K15222: Use link-aggregated trunks for multi-bladed VIPRION systems



    3) How does SSL TPS license work? is it based on chassis or license per blade?


    viprion acts as one whole unit. so, i understand license is per chassis.


    4) I am not seeing on internet people talking about viprion or any kind of review or experience does that means it's something people try to stay away? because of complexity?


    every single service provider i have worked with uses viprion.