Forum Discussion

ciscoarc's avatar
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Apr 02, 2014

F5 VE with VMWare problem

Hi guys,


I just built the F5 VE with vmware, and I've been stucked for days.




So we use 2 physical NIC and trunked 4 VLANS onto the F5 (let's say Internal, External, DMZ and Mgmt).


  • Internal: 192.168.1.x /24. Self IP
  • External: 192.168.2.x /24. Self IP and (this is for the Virtual Server)
  • DMZ: 192.168.99.x /24
  • Mgmt: 192.168.100.x /24

Next step would be creating the Monitor, Node, Pool and Virtual Server. All are good here.


  • Virtual Server -> Pool Member Test_Svr -> Node

Routing table in F5:


  • Default ( via (DMZ interface in firewall)
  • /32 via (Internal interface in firewall)

VLAN in F5:


  • Internal, untagged 1.1
  • External, untagged 1.2
  • DMZ, untagged 1.3



I then had a client fires up the application destined to, but couldn't access the Node.


Troubleshooting from the firewall shows that the F5 doesn't use the internal interface to reach, although in the routing table it's specifically instructed to use 192.168.1.x.


My question is definitely, why didn't F5 use it's internal interface? I assume it's something wrong with the VMWare configuration for the network setup, but I am not sure. Reason is, we have a production physical F5 which have similar configuration and it works fine.


Any help is appreciated.


Thank you.


  • Well the firewall doesn't like it because of spoofing. It doesn't like client IP address subnet coming from that particular interface.


    But I think I've found out why, you're right, due to the virtual nature of our setup, it's slightly different than our production.


    Thanks again.

