Forum Discussion

PK_Bhatia's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Feb 02, 2016

f5 v12 wildcard destination port



I tried upgrading the f5 v11.6.0 HF5 to v12.0 but it looks like all the pool with wildcard destination port seems to show up as down, has anyone have any workaround for this issue or if it is a known issue.




  • You may have a monitor without an alias port assigned to that pool. Most monitors inherit not only address but also port data from the pool member; without a port specified in the pool member, one must be specified in the monitor or it will fail.

    You may consider using an ICMP monitor for the associated node instead, but that's not a robust test of a TCP service. For an example of a monitor with an alias port see the built-in


  • Nope, that's not the case, at least not with my case. I do have alias port assigned to specific port. Taking an example for my Samba share, I have a virtual server listening to all the ports and so do the pool. But the smb monitor I have is associated with alias service port 445. But right after upgrading to version, I got the samba monitor down and service was down as well.


    And yes, i do understand that I can still use the ICMP monitor but it is not reliable.


    Thanks for answering and please let me know if something else I can try.


    • awilhelm's avatar
      Icon for Employee rankEmployee
      If your pool members or nodes are defined with an FQDN rather than IP addresses, this may be a known issue tracked internally as ID562267. Please open a service request with F5 Support; they can help determine whether this is a correct diagnosis and assist with a workaround.
  • I don't find anything with ID562267, can you please share the link?
    • awilhelm's avatar
      Icon for Employee rankEmployee
      At this time there is no public-facing documentation. F5 Support may be able to provide more detail.
  • OK, i think i got confused with FQDN, I am not using the FQDN but just the domain name. Any known issues with that?