Forum Discussion

Mike_61576's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Jun 18, 2015

F5 Standalone Client for Linux - Fedora 22 and Network Manager DHCP broken

We have several developers and system admins running Fedora as their primary workstation. Since upgrading to Fedora 22 we have found that the F5 Standalone client for linux is broken. The client connects to APM without issue however the resolver is not being updated on the client. One workaround that we have found is to connect and then call dhclient from the command line. It seems to be an issue with the way NetworkManager now functions. Rolling back to a previous release is not really an option for most of these guys. Is there an updated client that works properly or a better solution for this?


  • i would contact support about this, don't see many questions on this subject, so chance on an answer here is small.