Forum Discussion

SSHSSH_97332's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Apr 18, 2014

F5 LTM Java script

when i put my HTTP application behind F5 VIP , Java script components don't run on client side when i access the application directly it works what inside LTM can block this ?


  • Java script components don't run on client side when i access the application directly it works what inside LTM can block this ?


    i do not think so but if you have any evidence (e.g. tcpdump, httpfox, etc), can you post here? :)


    • Gabriel_V_13146's avatar
      Icon for Cirrus rankCirrus
      Just came to my mind - did you change something else? e.g. script originating from different sites will stop working when you switch to SSL (YUI or jQuery).
  • Java script components don't run on client side when i access the application directly it works what inside LTM can block this ?


    i do not think so but if you have any evidence (e.g. tcpdump, httpfox, etc), can you post here? :)


    • Just came to my mind - did you change something else? e.g. script originating from different sites will stop working when you switch to SSL (YUI or jQuery).
  • No , i was thinking about any option under Vs or HTTP profile that can cause that


  • In most cases, the culprit is going to be the app virtualization itself. When you put an application behind a VIP, you generally also change the URL that you use to access it, perhaps a different FQDN, or even HTTPS vs. HTTP. One way or another, the client side JavaScript is either not getting downloaded because static mappings in the HTML content are no longer accessible, or information in the JavaScript points to something that is no longer accessible. In lieu of digging through a bunch of code, the very best first start, as Nitass states, is to run a client side capture utility like Fiddler or HTTPWatch. If the JavaScript isn't loading, you may see the browser ask for it but get no response. If the JavaScript is loading but itself asking for something that isn't being served, you should see that too.


    If it's either of these things, there are a few options. In most cases isolating and fixing the offending application/JavaScript code can be one solution. There are also options to rewrite the offending content as it passes through the proxy.


  • First, is Java or JavaScript? Big difference. Second, if it's JavaScript (and CSS), the problem almost always lies with URLs not getting rewritten inside the JavaScript and CSS files. Worse, if the JavaScript is actually generating URLs dynamically, that can be a very difficult problem to solve. What you want to look for in your Fiddler/HTTPWatch captures is the contents of these files. Do they contain references to the wrong home URLs?