Forum Discussion

Sivuyile_268864's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Jun 06, 2016

F5 External IP

Can someone please assist , Im trying to assign external ip address on the f5 ver 11.4 after changing ip address i dont see the space to type default gateway address.. and unable to ping ip address externl


  • Hi,

    Here the tmsh configuration for a default gateway :

    net route Default_Gateway {
        gw x.x.x.x
        network default
  • Hi,


    You can configure the default gateway in Network >> Routes.


    Destination and mask must be set to


    • Sivuyile_268864's avatar
      Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
      Hi Yann thanks for the asnwer, I have configure the default gateway , but still not working see below: Name external_default_gateway Partition / Path Common Description Destination Netmask Resource Gateway Address MTU
  • Hi,


    You can configure the default gateway in Network >> Routes.


    Destination and mask must be set to


    • Sivuyile_268864's avatar
      Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
      Hi Yann thanks for the asnwer, I have configure the default gateway , but still not working see below: Name external_default_gateway Partition / Path Common Description Destination Netmask Resource Gateway Address MTU
  • (tmos) net
    ( create route DEFAULT  network default

    DEFAULT is the name of the route. You can set it to anything else you may want.


    Network  ››  Routes

    Destination: Netmask: Resource: Use Gateway Gateway Addressshould be the gateway you want.

  • Hi,

    Here the tmsh configuration for a default gateway :

    net route Default_Gateway {
        gw x.x.x.x
        network default
    • Sivuyile_268864's avatar
      Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
      thanks everyone , I manage to troubleshoot problem was on the IP range ,New ip address I wanted to use was out of the range with one on the switch , apologize
  • Hi,

    Here the tmsh configuration for a default gateway :

    net route Default_Gateway {
        gw x.x.x.x
        network default
    • Sivuyile_268864's avatar
      Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
      thanks everyone , I manage to troubleshoot problem was on the IP range ,New ip address I wanted to use was out of the range with one on the switch , apologize