Forum Discussion

Nikoolayy1's avatar
Jun 20, 2022

F5 Data Guard and Microsoft Azure Information Protection (AIP)

As the F5 Data Guard can match of words or regex patterns it should have no issue matching the Microsoft Azure Information Protection (AIP) labels as they are strings in the file's body like "" . Can someone confirm this?



Data Pattern example: "MSIP_Label_2096f6a2-d2f7-48be-b329-b73aaa526e5d_Enabled"

  • Try Custom Patterns: 


    note: I didn't fully test it, It should work fine. if not please let me know. 

  • Try Custom Patterns: 


    note: I didn't fully test it, It should work fine. if not please let me know. 

    • Nikoolayy1's avatar
      Icon for MVP rankMVP

      Thanks for making full regex but as I still do not have AIP license I was just looking for confimation that a label like ''MSIP_Label_2096f6a2-d2f7-48be-b329-b73aaa526e5d_Enabled'' can be matched as this way just specific labels can be blocked and you made a full regex how to match AIP labels as a whole and this is great!

  • Hi,

    Just in case, you can validate your regex using the Regexp Validator tool at Security > Options > Application Security > RegExp Validator

  • By mistake I marked my Answer as solution thinking it is yours 🙂 but I do not see unmark option and F5 may consider adding such.




    Fixed it, I saw the option.