Forum Discussion

newf5learner's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Aug 20, 2016

F5 config Sync & pool status question



These might be dumb questions.. But just curious to know the answers for the 'WHY'!


Question.1 - Config Sync in Active-Stand-by Pair


I have a pair of LTMs in active-standby cluster which are in sync. I made a change on Active unti, added a new pool. The config sync status changed to 'Changes Pending', I have deleted the pool, so the configuration is back into initial phase. Though I have removed the changes I have made, why does the LTM still shows as 'Change Pending'? If I sync the config, what config elements does my Active LTM pushes on to the standby LTM.?


Question.2 - Pool status showing green even if the members / nodes are disabled.


I have configured a pool with 3 members in it - health monitors marked the pool as GREEN. I have manually disabled all these 3 nodes -- Local Traffic --> nodes --> select the 3 nodes and disabled them. I thought pool will be seen as down, but its was still showing as GREEN.


Assuming I have to disable at the member level, I have enabled the nodes and disabled the members by going into the selected pool. Still the pool was pool was GREEN.


Is that a normal behavior that pool will still be active though members/nodes are disabled?


please suggest.




  • nathe's avatar
    Icon for Cirrocumulus rankCirrocumulus

    Hope I can answer the two queries.


    1. When you change the config the local commit id changes and reports this change to the peer. This causes the Changes Pending msg. Changing a config back won't change this increment.


    2. A disabled pool member can still receive active and persistent connection, hence it's still, in theory, available. If the pool monitor failed on all pool members then it would go red.


    Hope this helps,

