Forum Discussion

mbuk2k_59598's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Oct 02, 2012

F5 BigIP upgrade from 9.x to 10.x


Having a few difficulties upgrading a Big IP 3400 from 9.4.8 to any version 10.x image.


The following are the versions I've tried:


To upgrade I'm running the following command:


image2disk --format=volumes BIGIP-


Obviously replacing the version number with the relevant image I'm trying to upgrade to each time.


The F5 reboots, and starts copying packages however after 30 seconds or so just stops copying. The cursor in the console is still flashing but no matter how long it's left, the package doesn't copy. It seems to be a different package with each version/image (but always the same package per version) at point of freezing, which I'm guessing is suggesting a space issue? I've checked free space on the device and it has over 2GB free at root which should surely be enough?


If anyone has any advice or pointers, it would be kindly appreciated.


Thank you


  • would it be possible to try clean installation?



    sol10819: Performing a clean installation of BIG-IP version 10.x or Enterprise Manager version 2.x




    if you want configuration from 9.4.8, you can restore 9.4.8 ucs to 10.1.0 after finishing installation.
  • That worked a treat, once I'd given it the same host name as the config I wanted to restore, all was good. Thanks again!