Forum Discussion

AWalden_185388's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Nov 29, 2018

F5 Bigip LTM v14 AWS CLI

I'm working on upgrading to bigip ltm v14 on the aws marketplace. My understanding is that v14 has the aws cli installed. I'm attempting to use the aws cli on v14 by running the following /opt/aws/aw...
  • Akinori_Watanab's avatar
    Jan 23, 2019

    We were able to execute by setting the following environment variables.


    export AWS_HOME=/opt/aws/awscli-1.10.26


    export PATH=$PATH:$AWS_HOME/bin


    export PYTHONPATH=$AWS_HOME/lib/python2.6/site-packages:/opt/aws/awscli- 1.10.26