Forum Discussion

Alif_341079's avatar
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Apr 11, 2019

F5 BigIP 5050 HA using Data Interface

Hi All,


We have 2 F5 BigIP 5050 series that are currently configured in High Availability with Active/Standby mode, this device is indicated to have a problem with the Failover interface so the device fails to failover.


My question is, can we configure High Availability using data interfaces to replace the failover interface role?


2 Replies

  • The short answer would be - yes it is possible. But I'd rather look into fixing the issue with the interface for hardwired failover.


    Long answer would start with: Was this working before? When you are refering to "failover interface" you are talking about the interface for hardwired failover as described in K2397?


  • Hi,


    just keep in mind that maximum hardwired cable length is 50 feet for hardwired failover. So you have to have your cluster in the same datacenter and also have a 50 m cable :-), in any case I recommend you network failover features.


    for more info:



    So to answer to your question, YES you can use Business Interface in order to deployed HA (waiting to solve your problem). So for sync you can use your Interface Business and for Failover you can use your interface business too and you management port.


    Just don't forget to change business interface (selfIP): Port Lockdown To ALLOW ALL.


    as far as I'm concerned I always put a secondary interface (Business interface /mgmt interface) to take over if my HA interface has a problem (In order to avoid conflict IP, ...).


    Last point you just need to know that when you sync (using business interface), synchronization consumes a lot of bandwidth and could potentially impact services. that's why F5 recommends a dedicated interface.


    Let me know if you need more details.

