Forum Discussion

Paco_GP's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Jul 05, 2019

F5 BIG_IP 3900 (C106) - Software Upgrade Advisor not working



I need to upgrade a 3900(C106) from version 11.5.4 HF2 to

I have uploaded the QKView to the iHealth tool to perform a Software Upgrade advisor but it prompts the following message:

"You are already running the latest version".

The menu to select to version to be upgraded to does not appear


I have checked this model can be upgraded to this version in the compatibility matrix, in fact, in the Diagnostics section of the Status at the iHealth the following Upgrade options appear.


Upgrade Options:

  11.5.4.HF4 (hotfix)   11.5.9 (stability release) (latest release)


Any idea why this is happening?




  • Hi Paco,


    I was able to reach out to the iHealth team here internally and they have confirmed that what you are seeing is not intended behavior. They are aware of the problem and are in the process of fixing it. In the meantime please continue to refer to the compatibility matrix and release notes for the version that you plan to upgrade to.


    -Nathan F

  • Hello Nathan,


    Thanks for your answer.

    I hope it is fixed soon , this feature is quite useful and we use it a lot lately since we are currently upgrading all our ltms.


