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Apr 15, 2016

F5 Apm can not replace UAG

Hi everyone!


i have used Microsoft Uag for years. when Microsoft has announced end-of-life for Forefront UAG, f5 told us that f5 apm can replace uag function in all fields. this is not true!!! apm can not publish remoteapp as uag can, and we are very disappointed from the product. i heard that citrix and juniper can pulish remoteapp application's easily and i'm thinking of buying one of them in stead of bigip apm for our DR. if i'm wrong and Apm can publish remoteapp i would like to know how, if not i suggested you to think twice if you about to purchase bigip.




Aviv Hassidim


  • Hi Aviv, sorry to hear that you are facing some implementation obstacles. Let me reach out to some folks internally and I'll get back to you.
  • Andrey_Terentye's avatar
    Historic F5 Account
    Hello Aviv. Could you elaborate on what kind of RemoteApps have you been using with UAG? We have a feature scheduled for next release to support *RDP* RemoteApp publishing on APM Webtop. Is this what you're looking for?
  • Hi Andrey! in uag you can import a remoteapp configuration file that was exported from remoteapp server. all i need is to publish a seamless rdp application in f5 portal. when the next release will publish? Aviv
  • I would like to know if there has been any movement on this. We are trying to do the same, replace UAG with APM. I found several f5 offering SWG (Secure Web Gateway) can replace UAG: I much rather use APM since I have a license for APM and SWG is additional license.
  • Not sure about the RemoteApp portion, but I have several customers who have migrated to APM from Forefront UAG and are satisfied. The majority of these are using purely web-based applications, with SSL encryption and leveraging APM's single sign on capabilities among a number of applications.


    James, what features in particular are you interested in replacing?


  • I just finished attending a training for APM (Access Policy Manager). I was told by several F5 Sales Engineers that APM should be able to replace UAG. I am in the process of testing POC for this.


  • i think the main question related to the original one is if you use RemoteApps. so the idea of not a whole rdp session but only one application


    in general UAG can be replaced by LTM / APM, but it was a pretty broad product and depending on what you used the result with big-ip can differ.


    hopefully Andrey can say something about which next version we are talking about for RemoteApps, is that 13?


  • Hi James... how is the POC going on? any significant issues? I am embarking on my own migration from UAG to F5 any heads up will be appreciated