Forum Discussion

smiley_dba_1116's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Mar 18, 2016

F5 APM - iRule Question

Hello. I have a question on how to create a iRule that would look at a URI header and baste on that URI header will either forward to a pool or ELSE go the APM policy


iRULE question URI header /gateway/register/acceptinvitation?invitationtoken ELSE go to APM policy


What the goal here is that we want to send a link to a new users that can register and they connect straight to the registration website. Once they create their login, general traffic would be hit with a APM login page. Thoughts?




  • 1st, thank you. I'm running into a challenge. I did as you mentioned, but when someone sends /gateway/register/acceptinvitation?invitationtoken=?.?.?, the policy is not redirecting them to the "redirect to registration". Am I missing the something in the landing URI with the token?. By default, Im getting the login page.

