Forum Discussion

Morten's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Dec 20, 2018

F5 analytics iApp on v14.1

Hi everybody.

I'm doing some testing with v14.1, and I've tried to install the F5 Analytics iApp. I've installed the
template and configured it with default values more or less. The iApp deploys without any problems, but is logging an error message when trying to run the iCall script:

hostname="bigip1.home.local",errdefs_msgno="014f0013:3:",msg="Script (/Common/analytics-send_stats1) generated this Tcl error: (script did not successfully complete: (can't read \"splunkdestinationip_withrd\": no such variable\n while executing\n\"string compare \"$splunkdestinationip_withrd\" \"0\" \"\n (\"Splunk\" arm line 5)\n invoked from within\n\"switch -- $format {\n \"Splunk\" -\n \"F5 Analytics\" {\n catch {exec /bin/gzip $filename$i$ext -f}\n ...\"\n (\"for\" body line 4)\n invoked from within\n\"for {set i 0} {$i <= $currentfile} {incr i} {\n set curl_response \"fail\"\n set ext \"\"\n switch -- $format {\n ...\" line:2619))"

I don't have any route domains or partition configured on my BigIP.

Any ideas?

  • I would dig into the script mentioned in the error message:

    Script (/Common/analytics-send_stats1) generated this Tcl error:
    script did not successfully complete: 
        can't read "splunkdestinationip_withrd": no such variable
             while executing
            "string compare "$splunkdestinationip_withrd" "0" "
             ("Splunk" arm line 5)
             invoked from within
            "switch -- $format {
             "Splunk" -
             "F5 Analytics" {
             catch {exec /bin/gzip $filename$i$ext -f}
             ("for" body line 4)
             invoked from within
            "for {set i 0} {$i <= $currentfile} {incr i} {
             set curl_response "fail"
             set ext ""
             switch -- $format {

    Try to search where this variable ("splunkdestinationip_withrd") comes from. Maybe is generated during iApp configuration and you are missing it...

    You could also modify the script to set the value manually and check what happens...

    KR, Dario.