Forum Discussion

Deepak_Nair's avatar
Mar 05, 2021

External MOnitor for LTM using CURL

Hi ,


i am setting UP an external Monitor using CURL for application monitoring for select number of backend servers . This is the script i am using as per F5 DOC


I am seeing below error while running my Monitor check with backend server :


[0][13575] 2021-03-05 19:09:50.903983: ID 221 :(_add_service_list): [ addr=::ffff: srcaddr=none mon=/Common/SOLACE_5550 up_intvl=5 dn_intvl=5 timeout=16 time_until_up=0 immed=0 next_ping=[1614942199.877925][2021-03-05 19:03:19] last_ping=[0.000000][1970-01-01 08:00:00] deadline=[1614942220.877925][2021-03-05 19:03:40] on_service_list=True ]

[0][13575] 2021-03-05 19:09:50.904855: ID 221 :(monitor_and_params): /Common/SOLACE_5550: ARGS_I= , URI= /health-check/guaranteed-active, RECV= 200 OK, RUN_I= /Common/Curl_Monitor_EX, [ addr=::ffff: srcaddr=none mon=/Common/SOLACE_5550 ]

[0][13575] 2021-03-05 19:09:50.904908: ID 221 :Probing monitor instance '/Common/SOLACE_5550' '/Common/monitor_test' 5550 [ addr=::ffff: srcaddr=none ]

[0][13575] 2021-03-05 19:09:50.905000: ID 221 :(main_loop [next_ping]) Closing logging file /var/log/monitors/Common_SOLACE_5550-Common_monitor_test-5550.log

[0][13575] 2021-03-05 19:09:50.905084: ID 221 :(_do_ping): time to ping, now=[1614942204.880927][2021-03-05 19:03:24], status=UNKNOWN [ addr=::ffff: mon=/Common/SOLACE_5550 fd=-1 pend=0 #conn=0 up_intvl=5 dn_intvl=5 timeout=16 time_until_up=0 immed=0 next_ping=[1614942199.877925][2021-03-05 19:03:19] last_ping=[0.000000][1970-01-01 08:00:00] deadline=[1614942220.877925][2021-03-05 19:03:40] on_service_list=True snd_cnt=0 rcv_cnt=0 ]

[0][13575] 2021-03-05 19:09:50.905145: ID 221 :(_spawn_external_pinger): /config/filestore/files_d/Common_d/external_monitor_d/:Common:Curl_Monitor_EX_61726_1 [ addr=::ffff: ]

[0][13575] 2021-03-05 19:09:50.905819: ID 221 :(_spawn_external_pinger): spawned EAV pid=9276 [ addr=::ffff: fd=20 ]

[0][13575] 2021-03-05 19:09:50.905924: ID 221 :(_do_ping): post ping, status=UNKNOWN [ addr=::ffff: mon=/Common/SOLACE_5550 fd=20 pend=0 #conn=0 up_intvl=5 dn_intvl=5 timeout=16 time_until_up=0 immed=0 next_ping=[1614942209.877925][2021-03-05 19:03:29] last_ping=[1614942204.880927][2021-03-05 19:03:24] deadline=[1614942220.877925][2021-03-05 19:03:40] on_service_list=True snd_cnt=1 rcv_cnt=0 ]

[0][13575] 2021-03-05 19:09:50.954396: ID 221 :(_main_loop): Service ready for read, now=[1614942204.929748][2021-03-05 19:03:24] [ addr=::ffff: srcaddr=::%0:0 fd=20 pend=0 #conn=0 ]

[0][13575] 2021-03-05 19:09:50.954422: ID 221 :(_recv_external_node_ping): reading [ addr=::ffff: ]

[0][13575] 2021-03-05 19:09:50.954434: ID 221 :(recv_external_node_ping): EAV failed [ addr=::ffff: ]


I am not sure what is broken . i can ping the server and telnet to the server .




i can CURL backend SRV successfully


curl -vk

*  Trying

* Connected to ( port 5550 (#0)

> GET /health-check/guaranteed-active HTTP/1.1

> Host:

> User-Agent: curl/7.47.1

> Accept: */*


< HTTP/1.1 200 OK

< Server: Solace_PubSub+_Enterprise/

< Cache-Control: no-cache

< Content-Length: 0


* Connection #0 to host left intact


  • Make sure that the uploaded monitor script has linux style Linefeed line endings, and not Windows style Carriage-return/Linefeed line endings.


    These will break script execution.


    Get a text editor like Notepad++, and use View -> Show Symbols -> Show End of Line option