Forum Discussion

James_Kelly777_'s avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Sep 26, 2017

Error with a HTTP redirect iRule HTTP::redirect "${proto}://$NewHost[HTTP::uri]

I am running the following iRule below and am getting an error that multiple redirects are not supported. Do you know why this error is occurring ? I have looked through the forums and have tried some of the solutions but they do not fix the logic below. it is this line HTTP::redirect "${proto}://$NewHost[HTTP::uri]" which is causing the error.

Sep 26 14:06:50 testmachine err tmm[13272]: 01220001:3: TCL error: /Common/jimtestsso - Operation not supported. Multiple redirect/respond invocations not allowed (line 1) invoked from within "HTTP::redirect "${proto}://$NewHost[HTTP::uri]""

iRule when CLIENT_ACCEPTED { Set a variable to track whether this is an HTTP or HTTPS request set proto "http" } when CLIENTSSL_HANDSHAKE { There was a client side SSL handshake, so update the variable to HTTPS set proto "https" } when HTTP_REQUEST { get host and set new host... set SourceHost [HTTP::host]

 Change these below to configure the iRule settings.                        

    NewHost is the hostmane that the redirection will be to, if required
    set NewHost ""
    ViaHeaderCheckList is the list of strings to search for in the Via Header, this is a tcl list-- which is space delimited.
    set ViaHeaderCheckList {}
    set to 1 to log to /var/log/ltm
    set debug 0

 Do not Change below                                                        

 check to see if the Via header is missing, if so, redirect.
if {![HTTP::header exists "Via"]} {
    if {$debug} { log local0.error "Header missing, redirecting" }
    Via Header is missing, redirect.
    HTTP::redirect "${proto}://$NewHost[HTTP::uri]"
    init Via header values into "Via"
    set Via [HTTP::header values "Via"]
    setup a variable to flag if a redirect needs to happen or not
    set Redirect 0

    loop through Via values, searching to the values in "ViaHeaderChecklist"
    foreach domain $ViaHeaderCheckList {
        if {$debug} { log local0.error "In loop Redirect = $Redirect"}
        if {[string tolower $Via] contains $domain} {
            if {$debug} { log local0.error "Incrementing $Redirect"}
            incr Redirect

    Do the redirect if no match was found
    if { ($Redirect < 1) } {
        if {$debug} { log local0.error "Redirecting"}
        HTTP::redirect "${proto}://$NewHost[HTTP::uri]"


  • Hi,

    after the command

    HTTP::redirect "${proto}://$NewHost[HTTP::uri]"
    (line 33), add the following commands
