Forum Discussion

SoumyaBasu_3529's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
May 14, 2018

emerg logger: Re-starting restnoded"

I have two Ltm in HA mode. Suddenly, I start receiving the below log message in both the ltms :


"emerg logger: Re-starting restnoded" What could be the issue? How can I solve this issue. Any help will be highly appreciated.


2 Replies

  • As you can see here, "restnoded" is the daemon to handles iControl REST queries.


    Check logfile to see if more info is included in "/var/log/restnoded.[0-9]*.log" or "/var/log/restnoded/restnoded.log"


    This should only affects to REST queries handling. Are you dealing with iWorkflow in your solution?


    Here you can fine a similar problem with solution:


    Hope this help.


  • Thanks for your reply .


    Ok .. When I check the restjavad logs ... Guess what there are 9 to 10 java heap space error. So my device doesnt have the memory to run the restnoded service . I restart the Restjavad service and seems everything is fine now. I am keep an eye on the logs so far , but the services are running for 8 Hr now.