Forum Discussion

beyondcent_2360's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Dec 01, 2015

Does the production F5-BIG-IP 6400 provide webservice api or REST api?

I am trying to integrate the F5-BIG-IP with our application,which version is BIG-IP 6400 and 6900. what i want to know is that do these version provide webservice or restful api? thank for any answer.


  • nathe's avatar
    Icon for Cirrocumulus rankCirrocumulus



    This question is more around software than hardware. Restful api was introduced with tmos 11.4, previously it was SOAP based.


    6400 is only compatible with TMOS versions up to 11.1.0 so this won't support rest. However, a 6900 supports all current versions so if it's on 11.4 or above it will support rest.


    Hope this helps,

