Forum Discussion

Aantat's avatar
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May 13, 2024

DNS Zone/Record Partitions

Hi Experts, 

Is it available to create Partitions in F5 DNS to be able to create one partition with one domain name for DevOps team for e.g, and second domain name in another partition for IT Security team? Is it possible to create partitions for specific domain or zone?

  • Aantat 

    Please consider Mark as Solution if your question/issue was resolved.

    Or, sharing any solutions you came up with since May?


  • I have not done this for anyone in the past. F5 GTM/DNS is not very granular in terms of the type of granular access control you are looking to accomplish.

    Another solution may be to have the teams manage their own instance of DNS on BIND or some other 3rd party system. You can then zone transfer the zones into DNS Express on the F5 device instance. So use an external system as a stealth primary. Just another idea ;)