Forum Discussion

Khalid_Dogar's avatar
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Aug 26, 2020

DNS Express is showing internal zone

We are using on-box BIND with "internal" and "external" views. We have configured two DNS listners; Internal and external. External listener is NATted on the firewall for outside world and is non-recursive. External DNS listener has a dns profile with "dns express" enabled.


dns express zones are created pointing to the local BIND with either or the IP address of the listener.

For some reason, the DNS express transfer "internal zone", while it should transfer external. I have tried quite a few things and read articles but couldn't find enough detail on how to set up 'dns express' all things considered.


Any ideas on why it is not transferring external zones?

  • The issue is solved. The problem was the "localhost" in the acl for internal view.

  • Ok Khalid,

    please don't forget to mark my/your answer as "the best" in order to pass your post as resolved and help other people to find it 😉

  • Hi Khalid Dogar,


    Did you used the dnsxdump command in CLI to to verify that the external records zone were in the DNS Express database ?



  • dnsxdump is showing internal zones..and I am not sure why it should, The internal listener has dns express disabled

  • The issue is solved. The problem was the "localhost" in the acl for internal view.