Forum Discussion
Don’t hold back will you
May 17, 2019Altostratus
, so far
- google search ruined
login to view content(now it's available without sign in)- bookmarks ruined
- right-click (open in a new tab) ruined
- a lot of white real estate space on left and right of article body (should one cw rotate display?)
- DC is on of SalesForce - additional sniffing and spying on you
- compare 1.31MB page load and 2.71s load time vs 2.89MB and 7+s load time for and
- human readable URLs and page titles are gone
- "click for more" plague all over the site
GDPR could be a reason for migration.
But told that it's about SSO for main site and DC. OK. With strong ability to execute by F5 APM migration was for SSO.
p.s. at least it doesn't (sales-)force one to login to view content.
p.p.s. googlecache it the savoiur for now