Forum Discussion

don_23889's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Jul 01, 2014

Deploying iApp template from tmsh

Starting out with iAPPs
11.4.1 LAB-VE
Copied f5.http to vco.f5.http
vco.f5.http to be used during application service GUI creation
using GUI and vco.f5.http, I created a new instance
vip ip
pool ip 14000 0
pool ip 14000 0
I used the 'basic' settings dropdown.
Clicked finish... and the application service macro built the instance successfully.

Next, I off-loaded the 'one-line' command to text editor;

tmsh list sys application service one-line

sys application service { device-group none inherited-devicegroup true inherited-traffic-group true tables { basic__snatpool_members { } net__snatpool_members { } optimizations__hosts { } pool__hosts { column-names { name } rows { { row { } } } } pool__members { column-names { addr port connection_limit } rows { { row { 1400 0 } } { row { 1400 0 } } } } server_pools__servers { } } template vco.f5.http traffic-group traffic-group-1 variables { client__http_compression { value "/do_not_use" } monitor__monitor { value /Common/cap1_mon_msp_traffic_control } net__client_mode { value wan } net__server_mode { value lan } pool__addr { value } pool__pool_to_use { value "/create_new" } pool__port { value 80 } ssl__mode { value no_ssl } ssl_encryption_questions__advanced { value no } ssl_encryption_questions__help { value hide } } }

Then, from an article I read and my understanding, I could change specific variable to deploy a new service, using tmsh console access.

template vco.f5.http
vip ip
pool ip 80 0
pool ip 80 0

When I edit, copy, and paste into the console... I get an error "Syntax Error: incomplete command"

[root@new-host-2:Active:Standalone] config  tmsh create /sys application service tomcat2 tables add { basic__snatpool_members { } net__snatpool_members { } optimizations__hosts { } pool__hosts { column-names { name } rows { { row { } } } } pool__members { column-names { addr port connection_limit } rows { { row { 80 0 } } { row { 80 0 } } } } server_pools__servers { } } template vco.f5.http variables add{ client__http_compression { value "/do_not_use" } monitor__monitor { value /Common/cap1_mon_msp_traffic_control } net__client_mode { value wan } net__server_mode { value lan } pool__addr { value } pool__pool_to_use { value "/create_new" } pool__port { value 80 } ssl__mode { value no_ssl } ssl_encryption_questions__advanced { value no } ssl_encryption_questions__help { value hide } }
Syntax Error: incomplete command
[root@new-host-2:Active:Standalone] config  

The only real difference I see between my attempt and the devcentral article, is the order of pool member attributes

rows { { row { 80 0 } } { row { 80 0 } } } }  <-- mine
rows { { row { 80 0 } } { row { 80 0 } } } } <-- Aaron's

Can someone explain why I am getting the error "Syntax Error: incomplete command"
  • MYLK's avatar
    Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus

    Need to escape the quotes around "/do_not_use" and "/create_new"


    should be \"/do_not_use\"and \"/create_new\"


    the command works as is if you first drop into tmsh and then run it but bash barks at the quotes


  • Thanks MK .. but I now have new hurdles.

    I took your advice and was able to make the iapp work from a simple basic settings drop down. Now trying to work from the advanced dropdown (again from with f5.http), I get the following when executing from tmsh.

    [root@new-host-2:Active:Standalone] config  tmsh create /sys application service tomcat11 lists add { irules__irules { value { /Common/ir_sitedown /Common/ir_snat2vip } } net__client_vlan { } } tables add { basic__snatpool_members { } net__snatpool_members { } optimizations__hosts { } pool__hosts { column-names { name } rows { { row { } } } } pool__members { column-names { addr port connection_limit } rows { { row { 14000 0 } } { row { 14000 0 } } } } server_pools__servers { } } template vco.f5.http traffic-group traffic-group-1 variables add { client__http_compression { value \"/do_not_use\" } client__standard_caching_without_wa { value \"/do_not_use\" } client__tcp_lan_opt { value /Common/pro_tcp_wan_optimized } monitor__monitor { value /Common/mon_msp_traffic_control } net__client_mode { value lan } net__route_to_bigip { value yes } net__same_subnet { value no } net__server_mode { value lan } pool__addr { value } pool__http { value /Common/http } pool__lb_method { value predictive-member } pool__mask { } pool__persist { value /Common/pro_per_cookie_cloud_80_443 } pool__pool_to_use { value \"/create_new\" } pool__port { value 80 } pool__use_pga { value no } server__ntlm { value \"/do_not_use\" } server__oneconnect { value /Common/msp_oneconnect_255 } server__tcp_lan_opt { value /Common/pro_tcp_lan_optimized } server__tcp_req_queueing { value no } server__use_slow_ramp { value no } ssl__mode { value no_ssl } ssl_encryption_questions__advanced { value yes } ssl_encryption_questions__help { value hide } stats__request_logging { value \"/do_not_use\" } }
    script did not successfully complete: ("predictive-member" invalid IP address
        while executing
    "tmsh::create [string range $args 7 end] "
        ("create" arm line 1)
        invoked from within
    "switch -exact -- [string range $args 0 5] {
                create { tmsh::create [string range $args 7 end] }
                modify { tmsh::modify [string r..."
        (procedure "iapp::conf" line 14)
        invoked from within
    "iapp::conf create ltm virtual ${app}_vs  destination [iapp::destination $::pool__addr $::pool__port]  mask $mask  $vs_params  ip-protocol tcp  mirror ..."
        invoked from within
    "subst $substa_out"
        invoked from within
    "if { [info exists [set substa_in]] } {
                set substa_out [subst $$substa_in]
                set substa_out [subst $substa_out]
            } else {
        ("uplevel" body line 3)
        invoked from within
    "uplevel {
            append ::substa_debug "\n$substa_in"
            if { [info exists [set substa_in]] } {
                set substa_out [subst $$substa_in]
        (procedure "iapp::substa" line 9)
        invoked from within
    "iapp::substa vs_arr($do_client_ssl,$do_redirect)"
        (procedure "v11_4_main" line 363)
        invoked from within
        invoked from within
    "subst $substa_out"
        invoked from within
    "if { [info exists [set substa_in]] } {
                set substa_out [subst $$substa_in]
                set substa_out [subst $substa_out]
            } else {
        ("uplevel" body line 3)
        invoked from within
    "uplevel {
            append ::substa_debug "\n$substa_in"
            if { [info exists [set substa_in]] } {
                set substa_out [subst $$substa_in]
        (procedure "iapp::substa" line 9)
        invoked from within
    "iapp::substa main($do_v11_3,$upgrade,$downgrade)" line:868)
  • Fred_Slater_856's avatar
    Historic F5 Account

    The mix of escaped quotes and braces can be messy. I was able to correct the error above by (1) quoting values that contain escaped quotes, i.e. \"/do_not_use\" becomes "\"/do_not_use\"" and (2) avoiding empty brace sets, i.e. pool_mask { } becomes pool_mask { value "" }.