Forum Discussion

David_Armento_1's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Sep 03, 2014

data center desgin

My company is looking to change both of our existing data centers. We have an issue with some of our applications, and we feel it might be easier to span a sub-net over the two data centers. If we can span the sub-net it will require two years of programming work.We will have layer 2 connectivity between the data centers. Can ltm, or gtm help us do this? We are open to any way to do this. thoughts?


  • So, even with spanning the subnet it's two years of work? What would it be without?


    What exactly are you asking? IF the L2 is already there what could LTM/GTM help with?


  • Also,we would prefer not to span the two data centers with layer 2. we would prefer a privately routed link.
  • OK, well there are a number of methods available at present to encapsulate L2 frames inside L3 packets if that's what you need. The F5 supports VXLAN, NVGRE and a couple of other I think. I'm sure you'll have an even wider choice if you do this with pure networking devices instead.


  • Can you explain the exact requirement and current architecture including L2 and L3 connectivity; your current question is very vague and could be interpreted differently.