Forum Discussion

Carlo_G_214314's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Aug 05, 2015

Custom branch rule expression not working as expected

I am trying to create a custom branch in an APM policy. I have a custom session variable that has been set in a prior "Variable Assign" step, but the policy never follows my custom always goes to fallback.


The branch rule is expression is: expr {[string match "webmail*" [mget {session.custom.hostname}]] }


Basically, what I want is the user to get directed to our webmail service if the hostname they used to connect started with "webmail". If not, they should get the webtop with a selection of services.


Can you seen anything wrong with my expression above? I have also tried simpler versions that I think should work, like expr {string match "webmail*" [mget session.custom.hostname] }


  • Never mind. This was really dumb. I spent hours not noticing that "mget" should be "mcget".


    It now works correctly with: string match "webmail*" [mcget session.custom.hostname]